Cafe Collection, Writing Pieces

Cafe Collection #3

Ahhhh Monday. The start of a new week. I honestly don't hate Monday (but that's probably only because it's summer right now, I'm sure once school starts I'll be back on the I-wish-I-could-stay-in-bed bus). It's also the last Monday before the start of school, so someone please take this down - August 27th, 2018 is… Continue reading Cafe Collection #3


Review: Every Note Played by Lisa Genova

Happy Easter and Happy Passover to everyone who celebrates these holidays! I hope that everyone had a lovely weekend (or, if you're like me, a long weekend!). I spent most of it relaxing with my mom, reading and studying. What was I reading, you might ask? Well, Every Note Played by Lisa Genova, which incidentally… Continue reading Review: Every Note Played by Lisa Genova


Review: Blue is the Warmest Colour by Julie Maroh

So the second 'book' that I've read this month was the graphic novel Blue is the Warmest Colour. I'm sure that people have heard of the movie adaptation that came out 2013, that made a lot of news mainly for featuring a lesbian couple, something that hadn't been very popular on the big screen, or… Continue reading Review: Blue is the Warmest Colour by Julie Maroh


Review: The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller

Hello and Welcome back! I took a break after doing my twelve days of Xmas to let myself settle back into my life in Montreal, sort out all my new activities, and most importantly read some more books! I've only managed to read two books since coming back but man have they given me something… Continue reading Review: The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller

12 Days of Christmas 2017, Writing Pieces

Blog Log #3

Hello! I'm actually so impressed at home (semi) regularly I've been blogging these past few days. I'm still one post behind but I'll post twice tomorrow to make up for that (I can't take having a 12 days of Christmas tag and not have 12 posts). Today I'm going to do my first blog log… Continue reading Blog Log #3

12 Days of Christmas 2017, Reviews

Review: The Language of Thorns by Leigh Bardugo

Happy New Year's Eve! This year has been full of ups and downs, and unfortunately for me it was mostly downs. But! That doesn't mean that there wasn't some ups as well! I became a reviewer for Simon & Schuster Canada, which is a dream come true; I completed my reading goal and even read… Continue reading Review: The Language of Thorns by Leigh Bardugo

12 Days of Christmas 2017

Christmas Haul (part 2)

Its BOXING DAY! I don't really know what the purpose of boxing day is, but I figured it would be a good day to show my non-book gifts that are still in certain fandoms! Up first, I got a really cute ornament of the TARDIS! I used to be super into Doctor Who, but I… Continue reading Christmas Haul (part 2)

12 Days of Christmas 2017, Uncategorized

Christmas Haul (part 1)

Merry Christmas Everyone! I'm not really a practicing Christian, but my family still celebrates. This year, to try to cut back on spending and stream line the gift buying process, I gave my parents a list of books that I was interested in. And GOD BLESS THEM, they got me all of them and more!… Continue reading Christmas Haul (part 1)


Review: Strange Fires by Tommy Wallach

Strange Fire is OUT NOW! This past week has been a whirlwind of reading for me! I think I’ve finished two books in one week, which is the first time that that has happened in a while! And it was all thanks to Strange Fire by Tommy Wallach. Man oh man, I really had no… Continue reading Review: Strange Fires by Tommy Wallach


Review: Could it Happen Here? By Michael Adams

So I had fully meant to read and review Strange Fires first, but then I got book mail and everything went sideways (you know how it is). I always love getting these books to review because it’s always a surprise which one I’m going to get - this time it was “Could it Happen Here?… Continue reading Review: Could it Happen Here? By Michael Adams