Thought Pieces

Statement on Simon & Schuster

Hi everyone! I know I’ve been MIA recently but I have exciting news. I have finally finished my thesis, so now I should have way more time to read and review books for fun (rather than reading a bunch of philosophy articles haha).

On the topic of reviewing books, I’d like to announce that I will no longer be reviewing books by Simon & Schuster. In light of their agreeing to distribute a book by one of the police who murdered Breonna Taylor, I cannot support the brand. I know they’re a huge publishing/distribution house, but I implore everyone to boycott buying from them. Not only until they stop distributing, but until massive changes are made. The fact that this deal was given the greenlight is unacceptable.

I’m not sure what could bring me back to reviewing for them. But it is completely unacceptable, and I hope you all follow me in sending a message to Simon & Schuster.

I’ll be back with a review soon.

Black lives matter.

~ Mon

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